Our First Update

We bravely and faithfully launched Project Ephphatha to the public three weeks ago and it has been a period of grace!
First, we never imagined we will reach 25% of our 1.4M goal in less than a month. God is good! Family and friends have been rallying behind Johann and giving support, big or small, in prayers or in kind. We are in awe of how God's moving. We are very grateful.
Second, it has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions! It is not all roses, we ran into some walls. But despite hurdles, we are still here, and will continue to be here, for Johann. Our GGF campaign has been paused and will remain paused until we figure out a better way to raise funds online (in case you were wondering). We joined a bazaar and had some collaborations with wonderful people. We are going to release more information about these products soon, too! And we are cooking something wonderful in the months to come.
We pray that you have been blessed by Johann's story, and as we go through this journey now, we continue to pray for God's mercy and grace in all that we do. May God's miracles abound. For Johann, especially.