Stories over Coffee

Remember last June? A couple of us Moms started to meet and share stories over coffee. It was refreshing and uplifting. Enough for us to keep meeting and bonding and now, we don't want to stop!
We've been journeying through hearing loss long enough to know that we need one another for support. I am glad that I found kindred spirits - moms who know how I feel - without having to explain that much. It's like they have read my mind, or they stepped in my shoes. I think its because we travel the same road.
As we continue meeting often, I felt openness and genuine understanding of why I'm struggling and why I am successful (even a little!) in this parenting journey and hearing loss. We laugh, we cry, and we laugh some more. We don't promise to solve all your problems for you, only you can do that, but we do promise the load will be a little bit lighter.
We want this same nourishment for you, too! Project Ephphatha wants to invite you, yes you, let's share stories over coffee soon. If you haven't signed up for email updates yet or liked Project Ephphatha on FB, please do so now. I don't want you to miss out on this.