Crowdfunding Platforms You Can Use

With the advent of the internet, the time where you have difficulty getting your story around is no more. In fact, with the internet and social media, it is easier for you to spread your advocacy for your child with hearing loss. It also makes your fundraising a little bit easier (because it is a lot lot more difficult really) with the advent of crowdfunding.

How does crowdfunding work? You basically put your idea/story/concern in a crowdsourcing platform that allows you to accept donations/contributions. Then you share your link around (social media is most straightforward) to get more people to possibly help you.

Here are two crowdfunding platforms that we know of and that you can use in your fundraising efforts. These two are mostly used for funding personal or medical costs. Note that there are still other platforms for crowdfunding if you are raising funds as an entrepreneur or a small business with a unique idea:

You Caring - How it works
Go Get Funding - How to fundraise online

Some caution though in using these crowdfunding platforms:

  1. Make sure you can withdraw your money into your Paypal account or bank account with no difficulties.
  2. Make sure the money you raise is immediately available for you to withdraw.
  3. Make sure you get the lowest fees (if there are any) when you withdraw the money you raise.

Good luck in your fundraising!