Featured (9)

A Message to the Village

We got used to people staring at our son. Many plied us with questions: What is a Cochlear Implant (CI)? How does it work? What makes it different from other hearing devices? At first I did not know how to react to their amusement at our explanations. But some people…

By Mommy Maia

Daddies Represent!

Project Ephphatha was at the 2nd PCISG General Meetup and we've met a lot of new families who are starting out in this journey to better hearing. I remember well when we were in their shoes. It is normal to be full of doubt and anxious about the future. But…

By Daddy Noel

How to care for your Hearing Devices

Your hearing devices need tender loving care like how you take care of your pet or child even! Since our children started out wearing them when they were babies, as parents it is our role to know how to best take care of these devices and then teach our children…

By Mommy Maia

No way to go but up! (Inigo's Story)

To read the first part of Mommy Thessa's story, click here. To read the second installment, click here. I was working while my baby was in the hospital. I was lucky to have my mom to look after him. I was able to drop by the hospital during my lunch…

By Mommy Maia

Rock Bottom (Inigo's Story)

To read part 1 of Mommy Thessa's story, click here. My mom was the only person who tried to keep me sane and focus on what needs to be done immediately. My mom knew me well that she kept pushing me to quickly act on it. We need all the…

By Mommy Maia

The Hard Truth (Inigo's Story)

This story is shared to us and written by Mommy Thessa. Be blessed with Inigo's story. My son’s story is something I wanted to re-write since early last year when I found out that my first online essay was no longer active. I felt bad for not having a hard…

By Mommy Maia

Let's have a Coffee Date!

One of the things that we believe is essential to the success of our hearing journey is to have support. Whether it be through a big group or a small intimate one. For me, I love small groups! I love to hear stories of struggle yet success. Of trials, and…

By Mommy Maia

Yanna's Story

Mommy Eileen and her daughter Yanna are raising funds for Yanna's cochlear implant. We invite you to know their story and help young Yanna get better hearing. They have been selling shirts and cupcakes and soon, will be launching more fundraising events for Yanna, and we here at Project Ephphatha…

By Mommy Maia

Johann's Story

Johann is a jolly, eight year old boy who loves maps, building blocks, and drawing. He is born with sensorineural hearing loss on both ears due to unknown causes. He was a healthy baby but hearing screening tests suggested that something was amiss. Further hearing tests like OAE, ABR, ASSR…

By Mommy Maia