Daddies Represent!

Project Ephphatha was at the 2nd PCISG General Meetup and we've met a lot of new families who are starting out in this journey to better hearing. I remember well when we were in their shoes. It is normal to be full of doubt and anxious about the future. But if there's one thing we learned, you also need to be full of hope and be excited about what tomorrow will bring!

I came there to share my story, as a father to J and husband to Maia, of what I had to go through to achieve peace in our hearing journey. I set aside any doubt, and just courageously took the mic. I was thinking this is for J and for all the kids with hearing loss in the same journey as ours.

My hope is to inspire fathers like me, because I sure did benefit from inspiration as well. We met Bart and Tin early on in our journey, and I can't begin to describe how their guidance and sharing their stories with Maia and me, changed the way we see our situation, but more importantly how we were moved to act for J.

We continue to pray that through #ProjectEphphatha we will be able to touch many more lives through the simple sharing of stories - stories of inspiration, hope, and love for our children with hearing loss.