Diagnosis (5)

Why is my Child not talking yet?

We are very blessed to know about Johann's hearing loss at an early stage. It meant that we were able to address it as soon as we can. Having been diagnosed at birth, we immediately put hearing aids on him by the time he was 7 months old. We also…

By Mommy Maia

What To Do When My Child Has Hearing Loss

After going through hearing tests after hearing tests to confirm if indeed my child has hearing loss, what do I now? The answer really is up to you. But we hope that you act as soon as possible, and amplify your child accordingly. Here are some tips we can impart…

By Mommy Maia

More Hearing Tests

If your baby have been 'referred' to take another OAE (Otoacoustic Emission) screening at 3-months old and still got a 'referred' mark, your ENT's next recommendation for you will be to have ABR and/or ASSR soonest. These are further tests to diagnose if your baby indeed has hearing loss, and…

By Mommy Maia

Newborn Hearing Screening

Back in 2007 when I gave birth to Johann, there was this new procedure to screen newborns to test for a range of diseases and hearing loss. It wasn't standard then but we are grateful that we had it done for Johann. I believe now in 2017 its standard procedure…

By Mommy Maia

Discovering Hearing Loss

Discovery When Johann was born, newborn screening tests were just starting to take on. Good thing because it allowed us to get intervention early on. But then, as a first time mom, it was also very devastating to know that even before we went home from the hospital, something might…

By Mommy Maia