Mommy Maia (53)

How to Apply for PCSO Funding

Depending on the device and specifications you need, cochlear implants in the Philippines range from 500k to 1.2M pesos. That is just for one ear. It is therefore recommended to exhaust all available funding options you have at your disposal. One of these is to apply for financial assistance with…

Johann Says Thank You!

The past months have been a frenzy. After switch on, we worked on calibrating Johann's sound processors to a level he will be comfortable, yet flexed enough to help him get used to this new way of hearing. We thank our audiologist, Teacher Kathy for patiently pushing Johann to grow…

Fundraising Ideas

Here in the Philippines, quality hearing aids and cochlear implants do not come cheap. Not all can afford to get these for their children with hearing loss through only their own means. Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to help raise funds for your child's device.

Getting Cochlear Implants

If your child's hearing loss is severe to profound, your ENT or hearing professionals will recommend you get cochlear implants to unlock hearing for your child. For a time Johann was wearing hearing aids in his right ear despite being with severe hearing loss. But over time, through annual monitoring,…

Getting Hearing Aids

For mild to moderate hearing loss, a good set of hearing aids will set your child in the right path. After determining the level of hearing loss your child has, your ENT or audiologist or a hearing professional will recommend hearing aid options for your child. There are different types…

What To Do When My Child Has Hearing Loss

After going through hearing tests after hearing tests to confirm if indeed my child has hearing loss, what do I now? The answer really is up to you. But we hope that you act as soon as possible, and amplify your child accordingly. Here are some tips we can impart…

More Hearing Tests

If your baby have been 'referred' to take another OAE (Otoacoustic Emission) screening at 3-months old and still got a 'referred' mark, your ENT's next recommendation for you will be to have ABR and/or ASSR soonest. These are further tests to diagnose if your baby indeed has hearing loss, and…

Newborn Hearing Screening

Back in 2007 when I gave birth to Johann, there was this new procedure to screen newborns to test for a range of diseases and hearing loss. It wasn't standard then but we are grateful that we had it done for Johann. I believe now in 2017 its standard procedure…

Thank you, again and again!

When we decided to get J better hearing, we didn't know how we can achieve that given it is more than a million pesos. Only that God will make a way. And indeed, we have been recipients of God's love, through you, family and friends! We can never thank you…

The Yes Moment!

Johann has some residual hearing even before his implant so unlike children with totally zero hearing, we were unsure of how J will be reacting. Our hope with his CI is to have high frequency sounds clearer for J. This will aid J to speak better, and as clear as…

A New Way of Hearing

A few weeks after the surgery, Dr Yang has cleared J for switch on. It is when the cochlear implant is turned on and a new way of hearing is unlocked for J. This is the miracle! When J started to hear using his new sound processor, it was priceless.

God meets you where you are

We prepared for J's surgery as much as we can - physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. We had run through the events as a family, with J and G especially so they know what is coming, and in our minds so we can be auto pilot as we go through…